Generic Handler (ASHX) : Add To Log Function Async

Private Async Function AddToLogAsync(ByVal LogData$) As Task
Dim retryCount As Integer = 0
While retryCount < 5 Try Using writer As StreamWriter = File.AppendText(PhysicalPathOfThisFolder & "/updMsg.log") Await writer.WriteLineAsync(LogData) End Using ' If no exception was thrown, break the loop Exit While Catch ex As Exception If TypeOf ex Is IOException AndAlso ex.Message.Contains("being used by another process") Then ' File is locked, wait and retry Await Task.Delay(100) retryCount += 1 Else ' Log the exception Await AddToLogAsync("Error: " & ex.Message & vbCrLf & ex.StackTrace) ' If this is not a file locking exception, break the loop Exit While End If End Try End While End Function

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